ERROR: schema "public" already exists ERROR: function "box2d_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box2df_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box3d_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_send" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_send" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "gidx_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: function "spheroid_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_postgis_deprecate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_postgis_join_selectivity" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_postgis_selectivity" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_postgis_stats" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_3ddfullywithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_3ddwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_3dintersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_asgeojson(integer, public.geography, integer, integer) does not exist ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_asgml(integer, public.geography, integer, integer, text, text) does not exist ERROR: function "_st_asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_askml(integer, public.geography, integer, text) does not exist ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_askml(integer, public.geometry, integer, text) does not exist ERROR: function "_st_asx3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_bestsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_bestsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_buffer(public.geometry, double precision, cstring) does not exist ERROR: function "_st_concavehull" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_contains" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_containsproperly" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_coveredby" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_covers" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_covers" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_crosses" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_dfullywithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public._st_distance(public.geography, public.geography, double precision, boolean) does not exist ERROR: function "_st_distancetree" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_distancetree" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_distanceuncached" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_distanceuncached" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_distanceuncached" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_dwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_dwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_dwithinuncached" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_dwithinuncached" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_equals" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_intersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_linecrossingdirection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_longestline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_maxdistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_orderingequals" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_overlaps" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_pointoutside" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_touches" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "_st_within" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "addbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "addpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "addpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "affine" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "affine" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "area" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "area2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asewkt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "ashexewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "ashexewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "askml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "askml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "askml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "assvg" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "assvg" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "assvg" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "astext" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "azimuth" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "boundary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "box3dtobox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "buffer" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "buffer" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "buildarea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "bytea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "bytea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "centroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "collect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "combine_bbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "combine_bbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "contains" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "convexhull" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "crosses" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "difference" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "dimension" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "disjoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "distance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "distance_sphere" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "distance_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "dropbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "dump" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "dumprings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "endpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "envelope" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "equals" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "exteriorring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_3dm" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_3dz" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_4d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "force_collection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "forcerhr" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_cmp" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_distance_knn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_eq" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_ge" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_gist_consistent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_gist_distance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_gist_same" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_gt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_le" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_lt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geography_overlaps" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_above" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_below" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_cmp" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_contains" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_distance_box" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_distance_centroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_distance_centroid_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_distance_cpa" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_eq" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_ge" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_consistent_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_consistent_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_distance_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_distance_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_same_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gist_same_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_gt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_le" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_left" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_lt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overabove" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overbelow" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overlaps" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overlaps_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overleft" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_overright" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_right" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_same" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometry_within" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometryn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometrytype" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geometrytype" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "geomunion" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "getbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "getsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "gserialized_gist_joinsel_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "gserialized_gist_joinsel_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "gserialized_gist_sel_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "gserialized_gist_sel_nd" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "hasbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "interiorringn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "intersection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "intersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "isclosed" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "isempty" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "isring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "issimple" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "isvalid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length2d_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length3d_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "length_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "line_interpolate_point" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "line_locate_point" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "line_substring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "linefrommultipoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "linemerge" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "locate_along_measure" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "locate_between_measures" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "m" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makebox2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makebox3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makeline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makeline_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makepolygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "makepolygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "max_distance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "mem_size" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "multi" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "ndims" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "noop" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "npoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "nrings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "numgeometries" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "numinteriorring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "numinteriorrings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "numpoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "overlaps" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "path" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "perimeter2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "perimeter3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type public.pgis_abs does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: function "point" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "point_inside_circle" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "pointn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "pointonsurface" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "polygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "polygonize_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_addbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_dropbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_getbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_hasbbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_liblwgeom_version" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_noop" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_svn_version" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "postgis_transform_geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "relate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "relate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "removepoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "reverse" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "rotate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "rotatex" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "rotatey" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "rotatez" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "scale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "scale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_envelopesintersect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_is3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_ismeasured" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_locatealong" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_locatebetween" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_m" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "se_z" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "segmentize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "setpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "setsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "shift_longitude" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "simplify" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "srid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dclosestpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3ddfullywithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3ddistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3ddwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dintersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dlength" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dlength_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dlongestline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dmakebox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dmaxdistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dperimeter" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dshortestline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_addmeasure" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_addpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_addpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_affine" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_affine" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_area" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_area" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_area2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asbinary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asencodedpolyline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asewkt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asewkt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgeojson" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgeojson" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgeojson" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgeojson" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asgml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_ashexewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_ashexewkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_askml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_askml" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_aslatlontext" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_assvg" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_assvg" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_astext" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_astext" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_astext" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_astwkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_astwkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_asx3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_azimuth" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_azimuth" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_boundary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_boundingdiagonal" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box2dfromgeohash" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_box3d_out" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_buffer" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_buffer(public.geometry, double precision) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_buffer(public.geometry, double precision) does not exist ERROR: function "st_buffer" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_buffer" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_buildarea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_bytea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_centroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_cleangeometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_clipbybox2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_closest_point(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_closest_point(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_closestpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_closestpointofapproach" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_clusterintersecting" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_clusterwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_collect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_collect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_collectionextract" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_collectionhomogenize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_combine_bbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_combine_bbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_combinebbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_combinebbox" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_concavehull" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_contains" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_containsproperly" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_convexhull" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_coorddim" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_coveredby" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_coveredby" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_covers" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_covers" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_cpawithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_crosses" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_curvetoline(public.geometry, integer) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_curvetoline(public.geometry, integer) does not exist ERROR: function "st_delaunaytriangles" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dfullywithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_difference(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_difference(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_dimension" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_disjoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distance_sphere" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distance_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distancecpa" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distancesphere" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_distancespheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dump" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dumppoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dumprings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_dwithin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_endpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_envelope" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_equals" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_estimatedextent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_estimatedextent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_expand" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_exteriorring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_findextent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_findextent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_flipcoordinates" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_force3d(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_force3d(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_force3dm(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_force3dm(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_force3dz(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_force3dz(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_force4d(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_force4d(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_force_2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force_3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force_3dm" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force_3dz" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force_4d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_force_collection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_forcecollection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_forcecurve" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_forcerhr" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_forcesfs" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_forcesfs" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geohash" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geohash" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_cmp" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_eq" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_ge" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_gt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_le" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometry_lt" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometryn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geometrytype" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geomfromgeohash" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_geomfromtwkb" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_hasarc" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_hausdorffdistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_hausdorffdistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_interiorringn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_interpolatepoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_intersection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_intersection(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_intersection(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_intersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_intersects" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isclosed" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_iscollection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isempty" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_issimple" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isvalid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isvalid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_isvaliddetail(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_isvaliddetail(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_isvaliddetail" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isvalidreason" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isvalidreason" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_isvalidtrajectory" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length2d_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length2dspheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length_spheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_length_spheroid3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_lengthspheroid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_line_interpolate_point" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_line_locate_point" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_line_substring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linecrossingdirection" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linefrommultipoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_lineinterpolatepoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linelocatepoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linemerge" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linesubstring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_linetocurve" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_locate_along_measure" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_locate_between_measures" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_locatealong" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_locatebetween" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_locatebetweenelevations" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_longestline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_m" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makebox2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makebox3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makeline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makeline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makeline_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makepolygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makepolygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_makevalid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_maxdistance" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_mem_size" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_memsize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_minimumboundingcircle" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_multi" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_ndims" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_node" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_npoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_nrings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_numgeometries" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_numinteriorring" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_numinteriorrings" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_numpatches" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_numpoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_offsetcurve" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_orderingequals" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_overlaps" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_patchn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_perimeter" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_perimeter" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_perimeter2d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_perimeter3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_point_inside_circle" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_pointfromgeohash" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_pointinsidecircle" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_pointn" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_pointonsurface" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_polygon" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_polygonize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_polygonize_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_project" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_relate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_relate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_relate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_removepoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_removerepeatedpoints" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_reverse" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotatex" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotatey" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_rotatez" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_scale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_scale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_scale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_segmentize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_segmentize" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_seteffectivearea" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_setpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_setsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_setsrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_sharedpaths" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_shift_longitude" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_shiftlongitude" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_shortestline" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_simplify" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_simplify" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_simplifypreservetopology" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_simplifyvw" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_snap" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_snaptogrid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_split" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_srid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_srid" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_startpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_subdivide(public.geometry, integer) does not exist ERROR: function "st_summary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_summary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_swapordinates" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_symdifference(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_symdifference(public.geometry, public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_symmetricdifference" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_text" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_touches" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_transform" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_translate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_translate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_transscale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory ERROR: function public.st_unaryunion(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function public.st_unaryunion(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "st_union" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_union" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_unite_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_within" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_x" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_xmax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_xmin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_y" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_ymax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_ymin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_z" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_zmax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_zmflag" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_zmin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "startpoint" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "summary" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "symdifference" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "symmetricdifference" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "text" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "touches" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "transform" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "translate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "translate" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "transscale" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "unite_garray" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "within" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "x" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "xmax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "xmin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "y" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "ymax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "ymin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "z" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "zmax" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "zmflag" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "zmin" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: aggregate public.accum(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: function "extent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "extent3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: function "memcollect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "memgeomunion" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_3dextent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: aggregate public.st_accum(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: aggregate public.st_accum(public.geometry) does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: function "st_extent" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_extent3d" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: function "st_memcollect" already exists with same argument types ERROR: function "st_memunion" already exists with same argument types ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: type "public.pgis_abs" does not exist ERROR: operator <-> already exists ERROR: operator <<->> already exists ERROR: operator |=| already exists ERROR: operator family "btree_geography_ops" for access method "btree" already exists ERROR: operator family "btree_geometry_ops" for access method "btree" already exists ERROR: operator family "gist_geography_ops" for access method "gist" already exists ERROR: operator family "gist_geometry_ops_2d" for access method "gist" already exists ERROR: operator family "gist_geometry_ops_nd" for access method "gist" already exists ERROR: cast from type public.box2d to type public.box3d already exists ERROR: cast from type public.box2d to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type public.box3d to type box already exists ERROR: cast from type public.box3d to type public.box2d already exists ERROR: cast from type public.box3d to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type bytea to type public.geography already exists ERROR: cast from type bytea to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geography to type bytea already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geography to type public.geography already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geography to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type box already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type public.box2d already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type public.box3d already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type bytea already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type public.geography already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type path already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type point already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type polygon already exists ERROR: cast from type public.geometry to type text already exists ERROR: cast from type path to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type point to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type polygon to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: cast from type text to type public.geometry already exists ERROR: rule "geometry_columns_delete" for relation "geometry_columns" already exists ERROR: rule "geometry_columns_insert" for relation "geometry_columns" already exists ERROR: rule "geometry_columns_update" for relation "geometry_columns" already exists ERROR: could not create unique index "spatial_ref_sys_pkey" DETAIL: Key (srid)=(21476) is duplicated.